Build Conference Welcome reception

The evening welcome reception

Velkomstreception om aftenen

Luminous bar at the welcome reception

People and bean bags at the welcome reception

Recharging stations at the welcome reception

Pool tables

Luminous bar at the welcome reception

Luminous bar at the welcome reception

Metro style directory post

Metro style directory post

Gaming stations

Gaming with Kinect

Back of the hall

The BitBar

Far side of the hall

Party hall


HP folks: Matt Fischer, John McCarthy, Srini Nithyanandam, Barbara Pickering

Unboxing 1

Unboxing 2

Unboxing 3

Unboxing 4

Unboxing 5

Unboxing 6

Unboxing 7

Unboxing 8

Unboxing 9

Unboxing 10

Unboxing 11

Unboxing 12

Unboxing 13

Unboxing 14

Unboxing 15

Unboxing 16

Unboxing 17

Unboxing 18

Unboxing 19

Unboxing 20

Unboxing 21

Unboxing 22

Unboxing 23

Unboxing 24

Unboxing 25

Unboxing 26

Unboxing 27


Made with jAlbum 9
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)